Bodybuilding Injuries Muscle Building

An exploration of back pain cures: what worked and what didn’t

There are few certainties in life. Proverbial wisdom counts death and taxes among them, but back pain should be on that list. Everyone seems to suffer it at some point, and it’s incredibly debilitating because our backs are involved in almost everything we do.

This article is an exploration of all the things I tried to heal back pain. What finally worked was rethinking how I use my back, and surprisingly, heavy resistance training.

Injuries Muscle Building

How I healed golfer’s and tennis elbow while still training

I got golfer’s and tennis elbow on both arms at the same time. The worst thing was the negative impact to training, but the good news is I healed without having to take time off.

Bodybuilding Fat Loss

7 steps to foolproof fat loss

Fat loss doesn’t have to be a confusing grind. Follow these 7 steps to guarantee it happens in the most efficient and enjoyable way possible.

Bodybuilding Injuries Muscle Building

Sore shoulders and no chest? How to fix your bench press

Does the bench press just hurt your joints and only make your shoulders and triceps grow? Here’s how to turn it into a shoulder-friendly chest builder.

Bodybuilding Fat Loss

11 lb weight gain in one afternoon

How much fat can you gain from a single meal?

The question occurred to me while ravenously hungry on a diet, wanting to justify a binge. I found out that even a few hours overeating can result in shocking fat gain.

Bodybuilding Fat Loss

Reverse diet for permanent abs

The Holy Grail of modern physical culture is a well-defined set of abs. But even if you’re one of the few who get them, it’s normally temporary. Reverse dieting can be used to stay lean.

Bodybuilding Fat Loss Food Muscle Building

Intermittent fasting: miracle diet for the fit foodie

The truth is I’m a foodie, but I also love weight training and being in shape. I used to think there were two options. I could eat what I wanted and get fat, or follow a restrictive diet to be lean, but never both at the same time. That changed when I tried intermittent fasting.

Bodybuilding Musings

What it was like to see Ronnie Coleman in his prime

Ronnie Coleman won his last bodybuilding title in 2006. But even all these years later he’s yet to be surpassed, widely being said to be the greatest of all time.

I got to to see him at the height of his career.

Bodybuilding Fat Loss

The scale is still the best way to track fat loss

It’s demotivating when your weight increases on a diet, even if you know you’ve made progress. Your clothes fit better, but the scale seems to show fat gain. It’s a common experience, and has lead to an industry of scale condemnation. Headlines like “throw away your scale!” are a tabloid trope.

But the scale is misunderstood, and it’s still the best way to track fat loss when you know how to use it.

Bodybuilding Muscle Building

What it was like to squat every day

Squats are a difficult and exhausting exercise, sometimes causing fatigue for days. That’s why doing them every day is an intriguing idea, and I wondered if there could be an extreme reward for such an extreme protocol.